Dill Lemon Cucumber Salad 蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉


發現我們蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉的清爽美味 享受我們蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉的清脆和清新的風味,我們使用最好的食材,為您的味蕾帶來清爽的體驗。這款令人愉快的沙拉結合了台灣小黃瓜、新鮮檸檬、香蒔蘿、海鹽、醋和獨特的益生菌泡菜鹽水。 #### 主要成分: – **台灣小黃瓜:** 以其清脆的質地和溫和的甜味著稱。 – **檸檬和蒔蘿:** 提升沙拉風味的酸爽和香氣組合。 – **海鹽和醋:** 帶來平衡的味道和一絲酸味。 – **泡菜汁:** 我們的獨特添加,增添益生菌和溫和的酸味,健康美味。 #### 風味特點: 微甜帶有溫和的酸味,我們的蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉提供和諧的風味組合,既清新又令人滿意。新鮮的蒔蘿增添了草本的香氣,而泡菜汁則提供了微妙的深度,使每一口都成為愉快的體驗。 – **益生菌好處:** 使用我們受歡迎的泡菜鹽水發酵,這款沙拉不僅美味,還具有天然益生菌,有助於腸道健康。 – **多樣享用方式:** 可直接從包裝中享用,作為快速的清爽零食,或與希臘優格混合,變成 一款奶油般美味的佳餚。 – **即食便利性:** 完美適合忙碌的生活方式,我們的蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉是一款任何時間的健康選擇。 #### 美味多變: 無論您是在 Discover the Refreshing Delight of Our Dill Cucumber Salad Indulge in the crisp and refreshing flavors of our Dill Cucumber Salad, crafted with…

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#### 主要成分:

– **台灣小黃瓜:** 以其清脆的質地和溫和的甜味著稱。

– **檸檬和蒔蘿:** 提升沙拉風味的酸爽和香氣組合。

– **海鹽和醋:** 帶來平衡的味道和一絲酸味。

– **泡菜汁:** 我們的獨特添加,增添益生菌和溫和的酸味,健康美味。

#### 風味特點:


– **益生菌好處:** 使用我們受歡迎的泡菜鹽水發酵,這款沙拉不僅美味,還具有天然益生菌,有助於腸道健康。

– **多樣享用方式:** 可直接從包裝中享用,作為快速的清爽零食,或與希臘優格混合,變成


– **即食便利性:** 完美適合忙碌的生活方式,我們的蒔蘿小黃瓜沙拉是一款任何時間的健康選擇。

#### 美味多變:


Discover the Refreshing Delight of Our Dill Cucumber Salad

Indulge in the crisp and refreshing flavors of our Dill Cucumber Salad, crafted with the finest ingredients to bring a burst of freshness to your palate. This delightful salad combines the best of Taiwan cucumbers, fresh lemon, aromatic dill, sea salt, vinegar, and the unique touch of probiotic sauerkraut brine.

Key Ingredients:

– **Taiwan Cucumbers:** Renowned for their crisp texture and mild sweetness.

– **Lemon & Dill:** A zesty and aromatic combination that elevates the salad’s flavor.

– **Sea Salt & Vinegar:** For a balanced taste with a hint of tang.

– **Sauerkraut Juice:** Our signature touch, adding probiotics and a mildly sour note for a healthy twist.

#### Flavor Profile:

Slightly sweet with a mild sour undertone, our Dill Cucumber Salad offers a harmonious blend of flavors that are both invigorating and satisfying. The fresh dill adds an herby fragrance, while the sauerkraut juice provides a subtle depth, making each bite a delightful experience.

– **Probiotic Goodness:** Fermented with the brine from our popular sauerkraut, this salad is not only tasty but also supports gut health with natural probiotics.

– **Versatile Enjoyment:** Enjoy it straight out of the bag for a quick, refreshing snack, or mix it with Greek yogurt for a creamy, delectable treat.

– **Ready-to-Eat Convenience:** Perfect for busy lifestyles, our Dill Cucumber Salad is a convenient, healthy option for any time of day.

#### Deliciously Versatile:

Whether you’re looking for a quick snack, a side dish, or a unique addition to your meals, our Dill Cucumber Salad fits the bill. Add it to your favorite sandwiches, top your salads, or simply enjoy it on its own. The possibilities are endless with this versatile and delicious creation.

#### Nutritional Information:

Packed with natural goodness, our Dill Cucumber Salad is low in calories and high in flavor. It’s a guilt-free indulgence that you can feel good about eating.

#### Experience the Freshness:

Bring home the taste of summer with our Dill Cucumber Salad. Each bite is a testament to the quality ingredients and careful preparation that go into every bag. Refreshing, healthy, and irresistibly delicious, this salad is sure to become a staple in your kitchen.

Discover the perfect balance of taste and health with our Dill Cucumber Salad – a refreshing treat that tantalizes your taste buds and supports your wellness.

Weight 0.5 kg


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