Handmade Red Cabbage – Rotkohl – 手工紫高麗 500克

Original price was: NT$299.00.Current price is: NT$259.00.

紫高麗是一種營養豐富的十字花科或蕓苔屬蔬菜,與花椰菜和羽衣甘藍有關。 它有時被稱為紫甘藍,因為它的葉子是深紫紅色。 紫高麗通常比高麗菜更小、更密集,而且味道更辣。 這種捲心菜的紫紅色是由類黃酮花青素和它生長的土壤的酸度決定的。 像大多數五顏六色的蔬菜一樣,它營養豐富*、脂肪和熱量低。 *我們不聲稱任何治療特性,我們只是指過去所做的研究。 Red cabbage is a nutrient-rich, cruciferous, or Brassica vegetable that’s related to cauliflower and kale. It’s sometimes called purple cabbage since its leaves are a dark purple-reddish color. Red cabbage typically is a little smaller and denser than green cabbage, and has a more peppery taste. This variety of…

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紫高麗是一種營養豐富的十字花科或蕓苔屬蔬菜,與花椰菜和羽衣甘藍有關。 它有時被稱為紫甘藍,因為它的葉子是深紫紅色。 紫高麗通常比高麗菜更小、更密集,而且味道更辣。

這種捲心菜的紫紅色是由類黃酮花青素和它生長的土壤的酸度決定的。 像大多數五顏六色的蔬菜一樣,它營養豐富*、脂肪和熱量低。


Red cabbage is a nutrient-rich, cruciferous, or Brassica vegetable that’s related to cauliflower and kale. It’s sometimes called purple cabbage since its leaves are a dark purple-reddish color. Red cabbage typically is a little smaller and denser than green cabbage, and has a more peppery taste.

This variety of cabbage gets its purple-reddish color from the flavonoid anthocyanin and the acidity level of the soil where it’s grown. Like most colorful vegetables, it’s highly nutritious*, low in fat and calories。

*We do NOT claim any healing properties, we are merely referring to studies done in the past.

Dimensions 80 cm


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